Archive for the ‘The Lodge’ Category

Early December Hunts

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

We’ve been hunting quail and enjoying many new and old guests nonstop here at Davis Quail Hunts!

Our friend, John Marsh brought his uncle Albert and they had a wonderful day. John was among the quail hunters photographed for this website and our brochure. We were thrilled to have him here again along with his uncle.


Albert and John shooting over Rick.


Albert with everyone’s best buddy “Charlie”!!

We also had a wonderful time with guest, Charles Morris and his friends who hunted at DQH for a couple of days.


A fun time hunting was had by all. With Colvin are “Charlie” the cocker spaniel and our newest member of the team “Freckles”.


Here is the Lodge that our guests call home during their stay at DQH. Come join us soon!

The Lodge

Saturday, December 26th, 2009



Photos of the Davis Quail Hunts Lodge taken recently. We’ll be adding them to our Lodging and Dining Page soon. More photos of the Lodge can be found on our facebook page at:  Davis Quail Hunts on facebook