Wow, we have some catching up to do!!!
First off Happy New Year to all our friends!
We’ve been very busy quail hunting here at DQH. Right through the holidays, quail hunters came and had a great time shooting at fast flying birds over classy bird dogs! Freckles (Colvin calls him “Frack”) has been sharing retrieving duties with Charlie, who has a new place on the hunting jeep.
Thanks to all the great new visitors and return visitors. We certainly enjoy having you.

John Parker enjoyed a couple days of hunting with his son, Will and son in law, Tony. John celebrated his birthday at DQH. Here they are enjoying a piece of birthday cake after a great day of quail hunting. They sure kept their gun barrels hot and Charlie and Frack busy!

George Miller and his friends had a couple of cold — but exciting — days of quail hunting but to quote him “It was a great quail hunt not a quail shoot”!

Bill Zales and his friends had a great two day hunt. They were very appreciative of the dogs and the quail hunting. As they all said…the only thing better than the hunting was the hospitality! We do try 🙂

Wade Richardson and his sons, Daniel and John were great guests for their two days at DQH. The young boys did a lot of shooting and made Charlie and Frack happy. It’s always great to see youngsters enjoying the outdoors and appreciating bird dogs and retrievers.

Our friend, Greg Davis and his two partners all brought their sons. It was a fantastic day of quail hunting and good fellowship. We were pretty sure the boy’s tally passed their Dads!

“Antlers & Anglers” Kevin Slaughter treated his brother Greg and Greg’s sons, Logan and Evan to a couple of days of quail hunting. We enjoyed spending some recreational time with Kevin and his family. We are proud to be associated with Antlers & Anglers Worldwide as our booking agent.

Jeff Lott and his friend Paul certainly had a great day of quail hunting — their basket was full!

Frederick Beebe, a long time friend of Colvin’s, brought a group down for a New Year’s Eve hunt. How about that for a great way to end the year!

Charles Morris and his friends brought in the New Year with a couple of days of terrific quail hunting. What a way to start 2011!

Spears Rhodes and his friend, David were here last season and Colvin nicknamed them “The 410 boys”. This time they brought the rest of “The 410 Boys”..Spears’ son, nephew and 2 friends. They sure filled those bird baskets up on the hunting wagon.
In the group was Pete Farrior who we learned had grown up in this county and was a cousin to the late Ed Mack Farrior — the legendary dog trainer! Along with the good quail hunting this day there were a lot of recollections of field trials and bird dogs told. What a treat!

Our friend, Chris Birdsong visited us again bringing along his friend Haig and their two sons, Kit and Oliver. They all had a fantastic time hunting over Jack…and of course, Frack and Charlie were in on the action!