Davis Quail Hunts located in the heart of Alabama offers fantastic and diverse wingshooting opportunities on our beautifully manicured property, managed exclusively for bobwhite quail. The hunts are personalized to your experience and organized in small groups to ensure privacy. Our pre-release bird program starts in September and is supplemented throughout the hunting season assuring shooters of an abundance of healthy, fast-flying covies.
Nowhere will the bird dogs and retrievers give you a bigger thrill! You’ll be hunting over some of the finest bird dogs in the country. Trained and handled by your host, Field Trial Hall of Famer, Colvin Davis, the dogs are all class and superbly trained. Watching these exciting dogs canvas the country then pin point covies is what quail hunting is all about. And our pointing dogs are steady to wing and shot. They’ll hold their exciting pointing posture as the birds flush giving you the peace of mind to focus on your shooting. Our cocker spaniels will do the work of flushing and then find and retrieve your shot birds.
Davis Quail Hunts takes special care to review safety procedures with each guest before the hunt, and all guns are stored unloaded in racks on the hunting wagon when in transport or not in use. Most importantly, there is a six-hunter maximum allowed on the hunting grounds with only three shooters permitted at any one time.

Please call Antlers & Anglers Worldwide to book your hunt: 205-969-2065 or use our contact form for additional information. Davis Quail Hunts Gift Certificates are a wonderful gift idea for any occasion.
Clay Pigeon Shooting available prior to your hunt and throughout the day.
It’s true that the hunting here is so good you won’t need to embellish upon returning home. Just don’t blame us if your friends and family don’t believe you!